
Saturday, March 31, 2018

CoreXY frame

Continuing my noodling around from last week, I started to put together a frame for a CoreXY system. I could have done the right thing and designed this in a CAD package, got all the measurements right, blah-di-blah, but instead I'm just winging it and knocking together what I need in Blender. Here's the frame with motors and runners but no belts yet:
The motors are mounted on plates bolted to the bottom of the frame with spacers to raise them to the right height. These corners of the frame have internal L-shaped brackets.
The gantry is mounted on brackets with runner wheels:
They move quite smoothly, though I think the brackets will bend over time.

For the pulleys, I'm going to use flanged bearings. I really wanted ones with a 5mm inner diameter, but I would have had to wait a couple of weeks to get them, so I bought some with an 8mm inner diameter and added a insert.
I ran out of 5mm washers, but there is an easy solution to that:
The next stage will be to get all the pulleys set up. The motor height is designed to work with pulleys mounted on top of the gantry with a 30mm bolt as you can just see in the video clip. For the pulley fixed to the frame, I'll need a mount to raise them high enough. More to follow.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Motion systems

I'm starting to play around with motion systems. I have no specific goal in mind: it's just noodling.

Here is a small testbed using a MGN12 linear guide that I bought for a printer upgrade and then never used, together with some parts salvaged from my now-defunct Folgertech printer and a few printed parts. There are printed T-nuts under there, though you can't see them.